
  1. How can I get to the Migros/Coop/Denner?
    Wie komme ich zur Migros/Coop/Denner?
  2. Is there is supermarket here?
    Gibt es hier einen Supermarkt?
  3. Can I park here?
    Darf ich hier parken?
  4. Should I take a right/left turn to get to the highway?
    Soll ich rechts / links abbiegen, um zur Autobahn zu kommen?
  5. Where is the next exit?
    Wo ist der nächste Ausgang?


  1. How can I get to the Migros/Coop/Denner?
    Comment est-ce que j’arrive à la Migros/Coop/Denner?
  2. Is there is supermarket here?
    Est qu’il y a l un supermarché ici?
  3. Can I park here?
    Est que je suis autorisé de parquer ici?
  4. Should I take a right/left turn to get to the highway?
    Devrais-je prendre un virage à droite / à gauche pour arriver à l’autoroute?
  5. Where is the nearest exit?
    Où est la sortie la plus proche?


  1. How can I get to the Migros/Coop/Denner?
    Come posso arrivare a Migros / Coop / Denner?
  2. Is there is supermarket here?
    C’è un supermercato qui?
  3. Can I park here?
    Sono autorizzato a parcheggiare qui?
  4. Should I take a right/left turn to get to the highway?
    Devo girare a destra / a sinistra per raggiungere l’autostrada?
  5. Where is the nearest exit?
    Dov’è l’uscita più vicina?


  1. How can I get to the Migros/Coop/Denner?
    Inua is il Migros/Coop/Denner?
  2. Is there is supermarket here?
    Do que ün supermarcho?
  3. Can I park here?
    Poss eau cò parker?
  4. Can I take a right/left turn to get to the highway?
    Inua is la sortida da l‘autostreda?
  5. Where is the nearest exit?
    Inua is la sortida?

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