Our idea generator and positive-vibe journalist. She always has a smile on her face and offers you her helping hand.
What brought you to Switzerland?
My husband’s job.
Leaving behind jobs to carving new roles in Switzerland
Living and working in the Netherlands for a few years had prepared me for what it means to apply for a media job in a country whose first language isn’t English. But moving to Switzerland helped me blend the experience that I gained in India and the Netherlands as a Multimedia professional and work as a freelance journalist here – where I take up projects in the field of television, radio, print and web publishing. While the options were and are still limited, there are a number of ways to gain experience and keep your skills updated.
Namaste Switzerland in your eyes
I have often come across magazines/newspapers that are dedicated to Indians living in the US, UK and Australia and other English speaking countries. Namaste Switzerland is a first step in creating that niche. I see Namaste Switzerland as the first stop for all Indians living in Switzerland.
What keeps you motivated
The constant drive for me to try new things and my supportive family.
A message to our readers
We’ll help you tell your story. All you have to do is just let us know you are interested.