Expand your reach into the growing expat and English speaking Swiss community. Connect with us for advertisements, collaborations and more!
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Together, we can make a difference. With collaborations ranging from supporting your event or workshop to hosting your discount coupons on our sites, creating mutual synergies, and helping you reach a larger audience – connect with us to navigate through the many possibilities of joint collaborations.
Mail us at advertorial@namasteswitzerland.ch to receive our media kit or just fill the form by clicking on the button below.
Contribute and get published!
We have an engaged community of 25+ volunteers who help us form and shape Namaste Switzerland by way of their writings. Our columnists and experts write on topics that are relevant to ex-pats living in Switzerland, such as the basics of living in Switzerland, travel and tourism, art and culture, food, the insurance system, legal matters and much more. Have a look. Do you see an area that you would like to contribute to? Write to us at team@namasteswitzerland.ch or get in touch by clicking on the button below.