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Asha Zurich – Marathon
“We Run So They Can Read”- Team Asha in Zurich Marathon on April 9th
Like in the past 5 years, volunteers of the Zurich-based non-profit Asha for Education will run in Zurich Marathon on April 9th to raise awareness and funds for the education of underprivileged children in India. 70 runners will take part in the event to send 600 children to school through Asha’s projects. You are welcome to join them at the finish point near Mythenquai at around 13:00 (see the facebook event for details).
If you would like to take part in Asha’s mission, please pledge an amount by clicking on the Donate button at http://www.asha-zurich.ch/marathon/.
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/232291027240916/.
Stay tuned for more updates from the ‘finish line’ of the marathon on the 9th April 2017 as Namaste Switzerland interviews some of the volunteers and participants.