Baking with kids allows one to make a special bonding experience. Though initially when they are very young, the cleanup after baking may need a lot more effort. But once they savour the result of their efforts and contribute to the tidying up, it’s a lot of fun. It teaches kids some patience as they need to wait to enjoy the goodies that they’ve worked on. It also helps impart practical lessons on organising and measuring ingredients, following a sequence of steps, safety while working with kitchen equipment and last but not the least, eating healthy.
We got the Knäckebrot recipe at my son, Ishaan’s kindergarten. They baked this for Mother’s Day at his KiGa and we relished it so much that we’ve baked this a couple of times already.
- 140 grams Spelt flour (healthier if made with whole grain flour)
- 70 grams sesame seeds
- 30 grams pumpkin seeds / sunflower seeds (we used sunflower seeds)
- 35 grams flax seeds
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 50 ml of olive oil (we used sunflower oil instead)
- 250 ml of boiling hot water

Preheat the oven to 150 degrees Celsius. Measure and add all the ingredients in a mixing bowl. Mix well together.
Set the baking paper on the baking tray. Dunk the mixture (it’s slightly runny unlike a usual bread dough) on the baking paper and spread it out with a spatula. Don’t spread it out too thin, else the Knäckebrot can burn. The above measurement fits perfectly on a standard Swiss oven baking tray.
Bake for 70 minutes at 150 degrees Celsius to a light brown color. Each one’s oven is different and I would suggest setting shorter timers (20-30 mins) to check on it once. After 50 mins, one can reduce the temperature to about 120 degrees Celsius if it’s browning faster than anticipated. Cool the Knäckebrot on the tray and then break into smaller pieces and store in an airtight container. Enjoy!
We baked a double batch of this as we exhausted our previous Knäckebrot very quickly.
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