We all love shooting outdoors. But there can be days when it’s cold, windy and grey. At such times, it’s best to start simple with stuff that can be clicked indoors.
Most of the clicks are done under natural daylight which streams in through the windows and some others are shot with indoor lighting. So start clicking.

Water Drops captured

Water drops on a plastic box lid just after removing from the refrigerator. Clicked using natural light flowing through the kitchen window

A Metal Tablespoon reflecting the design on a FC Barcelone T-Shirt

Again a natural light shot with light flowing through the kitchen window. Fresh, Green Peas

A Jar of Blueberries just spilled and prompted me to capture the scene
Disclaimer: Photos in this column have been provided by the individuals contributing to this column. Namaste Switzerland does not undertake any financial/reputational/legal/misrepresentational impact or other obligations/liabilities that may arise from the content.